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Legal Verification — Declaration of Rates 2023/2024
Would you believe it is that time of year again!
Alert – amendments to the Planning, Development and Infrastructure (General) Regulations 2017 and the Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Accredited Professionals) Regulations 2019 – what you need to know
Amendments to the Planning, Development and Infrastructure (General) Regulations 2017 and the Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Accredited Professionals) Regulations 2019 – what you need to know.
Legal Verification — Declaration of Rates 2023/2024
Would you believe it is that time of year again!
Amendments to Practice Direction 14 – Site Contamination 2021 and the Miscellaneous Technical Enhancement Code Amendment
In this Alert we summarise the key legal considerations for planners which arise from the amendments to Practice Direction 14 and the Code Amendment.
Recognition of Directors and Associate Directors in Best Lawyers Australia and Doyle’s Guide
Raising the bar. That is our promise in delivering our tailored training program.
Good News... of Biblical Proportion
22 February 2023 The events that have unfolded over the past 10 days not only raised serious concerns for those…
KJL Support to Reinstate Client Council Members
We have noted, with interest, the recent communique from the LGA, calling for urgent amendment to the Local Government Act 1999.
Behavioural Standards and Integrity Provisions - in the nick of time!
A tranche of reforms not previously notified to be commenced on a specific date were proclaimed on 17 November 2022, with immediate effect.